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A Life Rooted in (W)Holistic Balance

To live a happy life is to live a life of purpose. My purpose is to make people feel good. Whether through my fitness classes, my social media platforms, or in-person.

Hi, my name is Nandini Sehgal and you can call me Dini. I am a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, rhythm cycling and pilates reformer instructor, mindfulness coach and an Ayurvedic wellness practitioner. 

I created this platform to help educate people to become more mindful in all areas of their lives. To take a zoomed-out look at themselves and find areas where there might be an imbalance leading to one not feeling fulfilled in their life. This is not a meditation platform. This is a place to help you find ways to live a balanced life that does not rely on any external factors to do it, it all starts from YOU. 


Image by Tim Goedhart


Your FREE guide to start the practice of daily meditation in only 3-simple steps!

Image by Laura Pratt


Put your mindfulness into daily practice and take back control to live the life of your dreams. Try this daily guide that helps your visualise your current mental state, where you are and where you want to be.

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Free Dosha Quiz

We’re all comprised of unique energies, called Doshas in Ayurveda.

Your Dosha is your mind-body type and will inform you of who you are, the best foods for you,

your ideal self-care, how you are in business, relationships and the world.

Click below to take a free dosha quiz in order to discover your Ayurvedic mind & body-type.

Until I create my own quiz, I am providing the link to Sahara Rose's. I have found that her quiz if the most accurate and helps differentiate between your mind and your body's dosha, both aren't necessarily going to be the same.


Thanks for submitting!

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